Friday, June 10, 2011

Why Gold Is So Valuable

Gold is very important because many people believe it is. the value of gold is a cultural phenomenon. Its price is determined by a complex combination of factors, but not necessarily. Cultures that do not use gold or not to seek, not the value. Gold is essentially an investment product. He is regarded as a refuge against the currencies during precarious economic times.

Gold has been treasured throughout history. Cultures ranging from ancient Egypt to China for the indigenous people he appreciated for its beauty and its unique characteristics. Gold was so valuable that the pursuit thereof led to the atrocities of man, from colonialism to the war on slavery. The Americas were colonized largely as a result of gold exploration. Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez destroyed the Aztec empire, and fellow Spaniard Francisco Pizarro destroyed the Inca empire while looting gold. Many human migrations, as the "gold rush" 1849 in California, are the direct result of gold discoveries. So many people have joined the area of ​​California that he won decades earlier state surrounding territories. Most paper money around the world was based on the gold standard until the 20th century. The Great Depression prompted most countries to leave the gold standard in 1932.

Gold is valuable because it has unique properties. It is a soft metal so it is easy to forge, but incredibly strong. It does not tarnish, rust or corrosion. Gold maintains a cosmetic luster over time. All these factors attracted cultures around the world to the gold treasure of art, jewelry and coins. Gold is an element. On the periodic table, it has the atomic number 79 and its symbol is "Au". It conducts heat and electricity as well. This makes gold useful for electronics and chemical applications. Virtually all computers in the world has gold in it.

Gold is traded in world markets. It is treated as a commodity with real metal never changed hands. He is considered a safe haven for investments during economic downturns. Investors believe that gold will always hold its value while the currencies and stocks could not. Gold is valued in jewelry and artwork. It does not cause allergic reactions and requires no maintenance to shine and look great. Gold is also valuable coins and ingots. Gold coins made by the ancient civilizations still survive today and are prized by collectors.

There are misconceptions about how the gold price is determined. It is not just about supply and demand. In fact, in 1999 and 2000 there was a strong demand for gold jewelry, but gold prices remained low. the value of gold is more influenced by global money markets. The price of gold is closely linked to confidence in the U.S. dollar. The value of gold increases confidence in the dollar declines. There is also a misunderstanding about the definition of "pure gold." Nearly all the gold in private property is an alloy, which means it is partly gold. It is normally combined with the silver or copper to make it quite difficult to handle. Eighteen karat gold is only 75 percent of gold. Fourteen karat gold is less than 60 percent of gold.

Gold is also valuable because of its rarity. It is estimated that all the gold in the world would form a cube measuring just 19 meters on each side. It is a remarkably small amount considering the size of Earth. More gold is mined all the time but the demand also increases because there are more people to be desired.

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Make Money Buying Gold

 Gold is the most ancient and most enduring of the legal tender. It is universally recognized for its value and rarity. While financial markets reduce the wild fluctuations over short periods of time, gold prices tend to slide up and down. The patient investor can do very well if they know what to look for.

It is important to understand what makes up the price of gold. When the economy is doing well, gold prices tend to fall. When the economy goes bad, the gold price increases. Investors tend to cling to the enduring value of gold when their financial future is uncertain.

Back in 1999, gold was selling for about $ 250 an ounce. In 2008 it topped $ 1,000 an ounce and not look back. Similar dips and spikes are recorded throughout history. Understand that gold prices do not fluctuate much on a daily basis, but often a steady upward or downward in March over several months and years.

The key to making money in gold is to buy low and sell high. This may seem obvious, but if it was easy then everyone would. If you are buying gold, do it when nobody wants gold. Do not buy when everyone has the gold fever.

Another way is to collect the gold that nobody wants. Most gold transactions focus on the gold coins of high quality. With gold coins, condition and rarity of the piece increases the price dramatically over the value of the gold content. In the meantime, you can find gold lower quality, gold bars, scrap gold selling price equal to or less than the cash value. You can often buy gold this cheap in lots or as scrap unwanted. When the price of gold is high, your gold less-than-perfect sell very well.

When gold accumulated, compare every opportunity to buy in bulk and cost cutting. Many gold dealers waive sales tax and shipping when you buy a certain amount. When you sell your gold pedal to the general public. A gold dealer will want a wholesale price to you, but ordinary people pay the retail market. Sell ​​your gold on the auction sites on the Internet in the rooms coin or another investor who is not as smart as you.

Hang on as gold, if the spot price is rising. investing in gold is an exercise in patience. Earn your gold when the economy is doing well and gold is cheap. Wait until the economy crashes. It always ends. When the gold price rises, the dust of your gold, sell it and reap the benefits.

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 use of basic equipment and configuration is not difficult unless you do not have an instruction manual or someone to show you how. All equipment wet recovery is based on the principles of the pan. A lock is simply a pan along with all of the same principles of density, water velocity and angle. Every great piece of equipment that uses a sluice box will be set with similar instructions, so when you learned how to set up a sluice, hand you the basics of how to implement all of sluices wet recovery.
One of the first pieces of equipment most people buy when they have a pan is a sluice box by hand. Now, the creation of a sluice hand correctly will make the difference between keeping the gold and run to the end of the lock. Velocity of water is one of the most important things for the right when using a flume. Each type of water from other equipment using a sluice box, one way or another, and learn how a sluice box is important to every other piece of prospecting equipment. A dredge or washer Highbank Dry will be introduced in the environment they work best, so these instructions specifically address the lock by hand.
After you have done your tests to find a place likely to find gold, you'll need to find a place in the water is running enough water to move material to the case of lock. Not too fast, or you will be chasing the sluice on the river! Not too slow, or you will build rock diversions for more water in the sluice box. (When water is limited, you can do). A place between two large rocks can work, or along a river or the brook will do nicely for the most part. How to tell if your water is too fast or too slow? It will take some practice, but is not too difficult to learn very quickly when you get the lock box in the water. Prior to the sluice in the water, finding a large rock that can be placed in the box to help low weights so that the water did not win.
The slope of the sluice box is the next thing you need to adjust. Experts recommend starting with a slope of 1 inch of drop (pitch angle) for each leg of the box is long. This can be adjusted to help speed water down the sluice box, but worry later and get your basic setup done first. Place the lock box in the water, you have to adjust the slope and place of the big rock at the top of the box. Then you'll want to throw a few handfuls of material into the sluice box to see how fast the material passes through the box. If it does not move too much, you will need to increase

amount of water coming down from the box by slightly increasing the slope of the box or by increasing the amount of water entering the box. We usually try increasing the angle first, as more water can be difficult to find or can not bring depth of water at stake even if the subject moves too quickly and does not catch black sand and pebbles are zipping along, you will need to reduce the amount of water entering the box, or decrease the slope of the box. Again, we play with the first slope and the amount of water a second. The ideal is when the material class to the box to keep the black sand and a bit of golden sand, but by eliminating most of the rocks and sand. Flat rocks not hang up in the box mater what the speed of the water, so watch them more rounded. Getting this right will have a little practice, but there is much room for error. You can adjust the box each time you want to achieve the desired capacity capture.
Another element to consider is the depth of water in the box. This must be regarded as too much water running into the box may increase the depth of water in the box. In addition to placing the sluice in the water too deep to begin with a desire to do the same thing. Want a depth where you can see the water slightly jumping over the rapids. It should not be a steady stream of water, but some jumps. That's about it. Practice makes perfect, and always test the equipment running at the end of the box with your pan to see if you lose a lot of gold. If you are, adjust your sluice box or by reducing the slope to slow the water to keep more material.
Equipment needed to run your sluice box: shovel, spade in hand, 2 buckets (one can always be a seat), grader, leather gloves, pan, bottle, pipette or bottle of pumping, first aid kit , lunch, drinking water.
One last thought on the use of hand lock. Resist the food too much material in the lock and overload. If you do not allow water to classify the material by mixing completely, the heavier material will run out of the box and gold tone with her. Gravity works if you give him a chance to do the job, and this is true with any type of survey equipment for water, you can use.

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Competition Gold Panning Tips

A basic explanation of the competition panning is simple and short. It will be followed by an extensive explanation of some of the different variables that come into play with this type of pan. If you can get pretty hard with this type of pan, pan your general will also improve.

The sand and gold are placed in a saucepan. Shake the gold at the bottom. Pan on the sand. View or take the gold. Place in a bottle if necessary.

In all competitions, the constants that you will be dealing with some type of sand, gold, a pot of gold and water. Gold will be placed in the sand under the rules of competition. The gold and sand can be placed in the tray for you or in a bucket and you put the gold and sand in the pan. From there, you put the flat plate in water and shake the pan so that the gold deposits at the bottom, being careful to keep the pan flat. WITH a flat pan, begin to wash the sand from the pot. If you use more gold than you can wash aggressive enough. If you use smaller gold, you should be more careful and pay more often. Tip the pan carefully as you lose material. If speed of travel, I tell competitors to wash twice more after seeing the gold that all the sand is at the top of the pan when you see the gold medal for the first time and fall on gold and cover it. All competitions require that a judge be able to see gold at some point in the fishing competition without it.

Bases apply to gold mining pan style competition, with some refinements. As in all the scenic, the first thing a panner competition should do is set the gold at the bottom. It sounds too simple, but most people do not loosen the material into the mold and enough gold is removed from the pan at first. There are many variations from here, but the one we teach that works for everyone is to keep the flat pan under water and stir just send gold down. Depending on the type of competition you are and the type of pan you use, you shake side to side or spin half round, like a batea. Experience tell you how long to do this. Then you'll start turning the equipment off. The type of competition, once again, will determine how quickly you do this. If your competitors with big gold, you can rotate the sand off fairly quickly. If you use smaller gold, you will need to take a little longer and set more than once. The type of stove and water conditions with whom you work will also identify many factors to how fast you can get rid of the sand. When using more gold, a spin-off on the sand with more motions in an oval shape, allowing water to enter from one side of the pan and bring the sand on the other side. When you are swarming sand with more gold than you can use centrifugal force to your advantage, but be careful not to over centrifuge or gold will follow the water in the pan. WATCH THE ANGLE OF THE PAN. Keep the gold trapped in the bottom of the fold. Most of this action is done with a flat pan, tip in the end, just enough to remove the sand, and slowing down the motion. Two smears at the end, when you see gold, to remove the sand just to see gold at the finish. From there you should be able to demonstrate your gold to a judge or easily remove from the pan to be placed in a vial. One last thing, keep the pan under the water while you are panning. Water is your friend.

When panning with smaller gold panning general instructions apply, but most miners do their best to mold and to flatter. A flatter pan, it is harder for the gold medal on vault and out of the pan. This does not mean he can not if you have not paid enough, just that it is more difficult and you should be able to pan faster.

There are many gold panning competitions across the country each year, and each has its' own rules. Some offer pans to you, others let you use your own. Some use large gold , glitter, and some of them may be very small. The amount of sand that you must treat varies as well. A competition uses about 1 and a half gallons of material and small pieces of gold. A very tough competition! The site will try to follow them, and we have a link to a site that tries to maintain a schedule of all competitions held each year. Good luck with your panoramic Come join us for fun. Hooked on Gold panning competition teaches to some of the trips we attend.

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