Place concentrated food in a plastic gold pan (about half full) and cover concentrates with distilled water. Add a tablespoon of detergent for cleaning concentrates and stir the liquid around for several minutes. This will remove surface impurities such as dirt and oil, gold. If you have a glass rock used instead. Fill the glass 1/3-1/2 full, cover with water, add 1 tablespoon of laundry for her, and let it run for about an hour.
Pour the water at load and add fresh water to it, and add one ounce of mercury.
ATTENTION! When using detergent, you should wear goggles and rubber gloves (and a rubber apron is a good idea, too) to avoid having any spilled or splashed on skin or in eyes.
ATTENTION! When using the mercury, you should wear goggles and rubber gloves (and a rubber apron is a good idea, too) to avoid having any spilled or splashed on skin or in eyes.
ATTENTION! Do not inhale vapors from mercury or laundry!
Slowly stir the contents with mercury. As the mercury moves around the stove, it will resume all the finest gold in the pan. The more gold there is, the steeper the mercury becomes. If you use a dryer, do the same thing, but in a glass, you can add a stainless steel hexagonal bar to ride inside, or more stainless steel ball bearings. The steel bar will crush the black sand, and free gold, which is fixed on the black sand. Run the drum for at least three hours.
Once you have collected all the gold pan from the black sand beach, or use a magnet in a plastic bag to retrieve the black sand, leaving only the mercury load of gold and mercury. Mercury free roll easily, where mercury laden gold is rigid and does not run well. Place your container mercury inside another pot of gold, and mercury free throw in the container. Using another pot it keeps spreading on the floor or ground. If you spill mercury on the floor (carpet or living room), you will be sniffing evaporation for years!
Now that you have a ball of solid gold laden mercury in the plastic bowl, rinse them in a glass measuring cup. (I buy pie pans and cups pyrex in thrift stores all the time.) Now add enough water to cover the ball of mercury. Work outside and the wind, add a few drops of nitric acid (usually available in small bottles in stores prospecting). Continue to add nitric acid until you get a bubbling or fizzing action against mercury (avoid breathing vapors!). The acid dissolves the mercury and traces of silver. After a while, stops and effervescent at the bottom of your cup is a blob of bronze metallic color is gold! You can get your mercury dissolved in nitric acid by placing a copper bar or flat sheet of copper in acid and let stand overnight. The next day, the mercury is removed from the solution and set itself on copper and then you can scratch the mercury copper and put it in your storage container.
Gently pour the remaining liquid and neutralize the acid with baking soda, a little at a time until you get no reaction of the acid and baking soda. Gently rinse the gold medal in the cup with fresh water, avoiding hard jet that could wash right Gold Cup. Let it sit somewhere until it all dried up. Now you can use the method you prefer to transfer your gold to cut your bottles in gold.
Fusion and make a button Doré
When you think you have enough saved this fine flour gold and want to make a "button", the following procedure works well. You will need a briquette charcoal, a little borax, and a propane torch.
Cut a small depression in a piece of charcoal just large enough to hold your gold. You can use a charcoal briquette if you start by flattening the top and bottom of the briquette to not tip or wobble.
Put your fine gold in depression.
Turn your propane torch flame and play on gold. Gold has a relatively high melting point, so it may take some time. Continue with the flame until a bright red "pearl".
ATTENTION! Some propane torches are used to flaring a little when you push down range flame. Make sure you have a low flame and propane tank is at a small angle before passing the flame on gold. A sudden thrust at this point could blow your gold right out of the hole, so it fit.
Keep the flame of gold, add a pinch of borax to gold, and mount the heat slightly and carefully. As gold becomes warmer, it changes color to a bright greenish orange to approach melting it. All fine gold particles coalesce into a luminous ball.
Remove from heat and let cool slowly on its own. After cooling, you have your first Gold button and it will be nice and bright and shiny. Fine gold is pure gold and because we used nitric acid earlier, we reduced some of the money that was allied to gold, which makes it even more pure. This button Doré could run 95 - to 98-percent pure, with traces of silver and copper.
Creating Nugget Jewelry
Creating chips for making jewelry is just a way to double or triple the value of your gold. You will need a glass cup measure Pyrerx, stainless steel tweezers, and some sulfuric or hydrochloric (muriatic) acid (you can buy sulfuric acid in some stores prospecting or pool-supply stores).
Fill your cup half full glass with sulfuric acid (see above cautions on the use of acids). After you melt the gold block charcoal as in step 4 above, the block quickly resume charcoal and pour molten gold button in the cup of acid. As it cools quickly, it forms interesting shapes. Whenever you do this, it is a different form. You can make small earrings, or more for pendants, etc.
Remove false "nugget" with stainless steel tweezers and rinse with tap water. If the texture is too "rough" looking, you can machine your "nugget" in a glass with water and sand to smooth edges and give it a more natural look.
Pour the acid back into its container and rinse your glass cup with water.
Note: Remember, a little home-made nugget is solid gold, not plated! To sell your gold as buttons Doré, it is necessary to first dose. To sell to a dealer, you could lose 12 percent or more of the spot price. Jewelry making good, you can not do anything other than triple the value of gold! If you had one ounce 1/4 gold, 95 per cent pure, it would be worth $ 95 spot price of say $ 400 per ounce. Now, subtract costs 12 percent buyer and you end up with only $ 83.60. Taking that same ounce quarter of gold, creating a "nugget" out of it, then make jewelry out of it, you can get $ 200 to $ 300 for it! Quite a difference!
Another note on the black sands: Sometimes black sands carry gold values which can not be seen due to impurities or chemical bond with some other minerals, such as selenium and tellurium, which should be broken chemically to reveal the gold medal. The money is not money predictive in nature, but rather a dark gray to black. Platinum has actually been dumped because he was not seen. The best thing is to take a sample well represented down to a test of fire, or make a chemical dosing yourself. At the very least, get a pestle and mortar (cast iron), a sample crush to dust, and pan to see if there is any color. But never throw away black sands, unless you are sure it is empty of anything of value. In fact, if you had 55 gallons dozen of it, you could make a tidy sum of money!
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